Shirley Bigelow DeKelver

Here I am emceeing at Café Lit, which event launches the Shuswap Association of Writers Word on the Lake Writers Festival.

About me


BWL Publishing Inc. (Books We Love)

Publisher for my trilogy, Climate of Fire, Book One – Survival, Book Two – Treachery and Book Three – The New World. 

Solstice Publishing Ltd.

Publisher for my books, The Trouble with Mandy, Lilacs & Bifocals and Child of the Ancients.

Institute of Children’s Literature, Connecticut, USA

The Institute offers writing courses, books and newsletters to adults interested in learning how to write and be published for children and teens.

Federation of B.C. Writers

The Federation’s goals are to foster the art and profession of writing in BC., and to provide support for writers at all stages of their careers.

Member and Director of the Shuswap Association of Writers (SAW)

SAW’s mandate is to organize events enriching the cultural life in the Interior of B.C., especially the written and spoken arts. It brings together writers, readers, published authors, editors and publishers with its annual three-day Word on the Lake Writers Festival, held in Salmon Arm, British Columbia.

Coordinator and Emcee of the Shuswap Association of Writers CAFÉ LIT

Café Lit launches the annual Word on the Lake Writers’ Festival. The attendees will listen to the readings of many of the presenters attending the Festival, and will have the opportunity to mingle and talk with the presenters, writers, editors and publishers during intermission.

Past-President and Past Member of the Shuswap Writers’ Group

This group supports and encourages each other in their writing endeavors, providing evaluation and feedback when requested. They also hold a monthly coffee house on the fourth Friday of each month.

Writers Union of Canada

The Union is a national organization of professional writers that works to advance conditions for all writers and to foster writing in Canada.

Past Member of Writers’ Nook

Our writing group provides a positive environment where we can encourage one another and hone our own writing skills.

A part of a global network of genealogical websites. I am currently researching my and my in-law’s family trees.

Past Member of Gracesprings Collective:

Creates for its members additional publishing opportunities, and ways to share their work with the public in joint readings and events. They do this not only for themselves as writers, but for other artists as well.


  © Shirley Bigelow DeKelver, 2012
Website by Joyce at the Third House